Sunday, January 25, 2009

ID Models

Different types of ID Models


Analyze learners
State objectives
Select instructional methods, media, and materials
Utilize media and materials
Require learner participation
Evaluate and revise

2. Kemp Design Model

3. Dick and Carey Model

4. Smith & Ragan

A few useful references on ID Models:

ID Models - Research Paper

ID Models _Powerpoint slides

There are a lot more ID models to choose from but the bottom line is we have to know why we choose to use a certain model.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Explicit vs Tacit Knowledge

I read a project paper to be reviewed for my RIT class. The title of the project paper is 'The Use of Weblogs as a tool to document tacit knowledge of experienced english lecturers at UiTM Arau'. It is done by Latisha Asmaak bt Shafie.

Latisha explained the difference between explicit and tacit knowledge by citing Polanyi's (1983) work. Polanyi exemplified the distinctions between the two in riding a bicycle. Polanyi claimed that many cyclists could not confirm which handlebar should be turned to prevent a fall but they know exactly which handlebar to turn when they are in the real situation of preventing a fall. The knowledge how to keep upright on a bicycle is what Polanyi called tacit knowledge. On the other hand, explicit knowledge is the documented step by step details that a person can explain in preventing a cyclist from falling.

Latisha mentioned that Nonaka (1994) believes that tacit knowledge could be transformed into explicit knowledge when the knowledge is externalized through a conversion process (by documenting the process I believe).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where is my starting point?

The class started with my complaint on the slow response from the class wiki. After some discussion we concluded that it happened due to a number of reasons. Some of the reasons are time constraints, not much reading has been done (therefore no ideas), misunderstanding of instruction, unsure what to write, etc. Hopefully, the discussion will be heated up soon so that everybody could contribute so that content could be developed on time.

Next, we did a little bit of role play in Dr Tee's effort in trying to make us understand all the processes involved in producing a module. The role play acts as an analogy of what we are going to go through in designing and producing the end product for our class project. Thinking about our project, I ask myself this question: Where is my starting point? Where do I start? Have I identified the topic of the module? How sure am I the module will become a solution to learning problems? Who are my target audience?

Well, as for now, I intend to work with Iza to produce a module for learning English language. We may focus on how to do summary writing or continuous writing, or a literature component in English. Have I reached my starting point? Not quite, until Iza and I finalise what we are going to do then only we would decide.

Then, Dr Tee gave marvelous and useful inputs on ADDIE model and the significance of evaluation in every step of the way. Then, things became more complicated when he elaborated lengthily on the 4 layers of SECI model. He summarised the layers as:
  • Layer 1 : Creating a stimulating learning environment.
(originating ba, dialoguing ba, systemizing ba, exercising ba)
  • Layer 2 : Activating deep learning process (SECI)
  • Layer 3 : Facilitation to guide and support learning process.
  • Layer 4 : How will you evaluate progress? Evaluation
I might use the generic ADDIE model to design the module. I have used ADDIE when my coursemate and I produced a CD Rom learning courseware for our multimedia course for Pn Rafiza. I have also used Smith and Ragan to produce a module for learning how to install and use Moodle (Casa Moodle) for our IDD class for Prof RM. Besides, my team and I have used Dick and Carey Model to produce a website (One Stop Literature in English) on Moodle for our IT class for Dr Norizan. Finally, my team and I have used ASSURE model in producing a website Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde on freewebs for our Internet Application class for Huiwan.

What ever module that I am going to produce this time must involve the stakeholders' , i.e. the students. to evaluate and give feedbacks. That would be quite a challenge though. Go for it Hana!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How do we define distance education?

When I first signed up for the class, I have a different view of what distance education is all about. I think because I was a part time 'Pendidikan Jarak Jauh' (PJJ) lecturer before at UiTM Jln Othman, P.J about 11 years ago. I conducted the class once a month on Sundays and each meeting will last for four hours. The content of the subject matter and assignments are solely based on a textbook used by the university. Students would then mail their assignments to me. Some of them would hand in the assignments by hand so that they could see me and clarify any doubts they have had in mind. Thinking back, how I wish there was an LMS like moodle to monitor the students' progress and understanding.

Simonson (2003), defines distance education as it is institution based, formal education where the learning group is seperated, and interactive telecommunications system are used to connect learners, resources and instructors.

Meanwhile, according to Keegan (1996), the characteristics of distance education are:
  • seperation of teacher and learners
  • influence of an educational organisation
  • use of technical media to unite teacher and learners
  • two-way communication
  • absence of learning group
  • presence of intersubjectivity and reintegration
  • privatisation of institutional learning, industrialisation of teaching and division of labour (in preparing the modules)