Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Web 3.0

I found this website which explain what web 3.0 is and compare it with web 1.0 and 2.0.
Web 3.0 is also called 'semantic web'. Below is a video which explains the differences among the three webs. The fact that technology grows so rapidly makes me wonder how are Malaysian teachers going to catch up with the existing technology when most of them are still at the entry level where application of ICT is concerned.

1 comment:

  1. Technology will continue to advance at a heady pace. What can teachers do in our current setup?

    I heard a talk a few weeks ago that may lend us a clue. It went something like this: "It is not about having resource. It is about being resourceFUL."

    One example that comes to mind: A teacher in a South American country (I can't remember which), decided to collect old and mo-more-in-use palm pilots and PCs and used it to teach his class on education & technology. The main activity in his class: repair the PC and palms, and lets see how we can use it. I WOULD LIKE TO BE IN HIS CLASS!
