Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Reflection and Reflective Practice

This week I indulged myself in deep thinking until I experienced cognitive overload. To unpack and chunk the thinking take sometimes. To do reflection, I would need to reflect and recollect the knowledge, the experience and the learning which transpired through out the process.

To understand how people learn, I need to understand how I learn. But of course how I learn may not be the same as other people learn. Therefore, I need to analyze the common ground, the common practice which could be generalized. To find the common ground, I have to do some research. See what others have written and found. What I have done so far, I park the relevant ideas and resources in wiki, hoping that others will take up from there and develop the content.

I would like to share what I found during my research:
Kolb (1984) outlined a descriptive model for adult learning process:
  1. concrete experience
  2. Reflective observation
  3. absract conceptualisation
  4. active experimentation.
Concrete experience is the learning process we experience in class during lesson. Reflective observation is when we analyze what we have learned and document them in our blog. Abstract conceptualisation is when we are able to understand the main ideas involved in the learning process. Active experimentation is when we are involved in completing the tasks, assignments and projects. much sharing what is going on in my head, I will now write my response to Szarm's and Kuldip's presentation last week. The presentation was solely based on textbook. They did a good job in interpreting the content of chapter 10 and their presentation was able to consolidate my thinking and match the content with what I have read. I like the discussion on preventing cheating we had during the session. It is indeed difficult to prevent cheating in online examination unless the examination is done in a proctored environment.

I remember how Prof RM designed her examination questions for final exam for ID class last year. One of the question asked us to reflect on the problems we had in completing our final assignment and how we overcome them. Meaning, if you are just a passenger in doing your group assignment, you would not be able to answer the question. Therefore, in designing assessment question in distance education environment, the same approach could be applied. If you have gone through the whole process of learning without cheating, you would be able to reflect and answer the questions.


  1. Thanks for unpacking your thoughts here!

    RE: "Concrete experience is the learning process we experience in class during lesson."

    Is the learning in class always concrete?

  2. Ahh... I can appreciate Prof RM's approach! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I look at it as concrete experience when we are doing the presentation. Developing wiki and online lesson are another two examples. Am I right?

  4. Kak Hana, now it make sense to me why Prof RM's exam questios was like that! macam tak percaya tengok soalan Prof sebab dah pulun baca buku, Prof tanya pasal pengalaman (tak baca buku pun tak pe). betul juga, pengalaman tak boleh tipu :p
