Monday, March 9, 2009

Reflection on Normie's and Maryam's presentation

I agree with Dr Tee that both presenters had done a good job in interpreting and presenting dry topics of chapter 11 and 12 which are 'Copyright and distance education' and ' Managing and leading a distance education organisation' respectively. The issue of copyright is relevant to our current environment as learners but the second topic is quite a distant and does not relate to learners unless we would want to open up our own distance education later on. I pity Maryam for having to go through the pain of presenting something which does not interest the listener. I could actually see some of the audiences talking among themselves. However, I admire Maryam's courage in trying to complete the presentation.

My suggestion in presenting a topic like this is to involve the audience. Probably two scenarios involving managing distance education organisation could be given to us. Then, in groups, we are to point out the PMI (Plus, minus, interesting) and compare between the 2 scenarios. Another alternative would be, prepare a checklist and evaluate distance education organisations and compare the strengths and weaknesses. Some time we have to be selective in what we are presenting. Lay out the big picture but highlight only the relevant points.

Some time, we come to the end of the road and we see walls, turn around, look for familiar faces and seek help or advice. A lot of ideas would be coming in when we talk it out with our friends and lecturers. I believe at masters level, we don't compete among our classmates but we help, cooperate and collaborate so that every body are able to learn from one another. Every one has his/her own strengths. It must be pretty amazing when these strengths work together for the benefit of ourselves and our learners.


  1. Indeed, there's lots we can learn from each other. In that vein, do you mind if I share your suggestions with Normie and Maryam?

  2. Kak Hana thank you for your suggestion. Yes, we do have presenters' block (writes' block) for the second topic :)
